You want to start or grow your business and you need funding: here are the most common business loan mistakes to avoid. Deciding to start a business is probably the hardest and most rewarding thing you’ll ever do. Getting ahead on your own while considering all the risks involved could prove to be a great decision, but what to do when you depend on business loans?
Many applicants believe that getting a loan approved is just a small step in their path. Although your idea could develop into a booming business, right now, you should know what it takes to fill out an application form and get the money coming your way.
The cash needed to launch a company could really clean out your bank account. In case you don’t have the necessary financial means to open your firm, here are the top mistakes that might get business loans denied.
Top 3 Business Loan Application Mistakes
1. Consider the Collateral
Business loans require collateral. No matter if you’ve just gotten started or are already in the business, without collateral, the loan could vary a lot, or even get your application form rejected.
The cash flow that passes through your company may not be enough to sustain the loan you want to take. Knowing the value of each piece of equipment you own means you are aware that their collateral value is worth something in the balance.
Before applying for a business loan, you must make sure that the money you have and the collateral can cover it.
2. Know Your Business
Building a successful business takes effort and investments. Also, it’s mandatory to know all the external sources that could influence your business.
From a lender’s point of view, outside influences represent a serious factor that could decline business loans. Even if your income has gone up in the last few years, when your company is faced with climate conditions, fuel prices or any type of possible factors that could derail your business, banks can also deny your application.
For example, a transportation company requires fuel. If the fuel price rises, a lender could think that you won’t be able to compensate. If you’re into agriculture, but the location or regional demands change, your business could suffer as well.
3. Check Your Credit Score
When applying for business loans, borrowers often make the mistake of believing that if they have a decent cash flow, they’ll also get a loan approved.
Financial institutions will take a look at your credit score, as well as your business’ papers. Missed payments or prolonging your past debts after their due time tells lenders that you are not a reliable borrower.
Banks are very strict with business loan criteria
Banks don’t care that your business is doing well, they want to know if you’ll repay your debt on time or not. Even a skipped car or home loan payment could derail your future business loans.
Consider all these points before applying for business loans. Also, don’t forget that in order to get a loan approved, your company shouldn’t have a cash flow problem, or else the financial institutions won’t risk lending you the money.