small business finance

Building Relationships Beneficial to Small Businesses

Relationships play a vital role in business. Every day, you get to meet different people. How well do you communicate with them? In the business field, it is a must to establish good relationships with both clients and prospects. You have to take care of them and provide them excellent service to encourage them to stay. Keeping them happy and satisfied will guarantee fruitful business transactions for present and the future.

Building Relationships

  1. Yourself – This is one aspect that is often neglected. Try to talk to yourself in your head only, as if you are speaking to one of your favorite customers. Imagine yourself in your customers’ position, how would you react or what would you like to hear. Practice self communication. It does not only involve constructing conversations in your head but also needs writing or recording of data, schedules and reminders.
  2. Customers – How do you handle customers? Different customers have different attitudes. Some are pleasant some are not. But since they are customers, you have to make them feel important. Everybody experiences bad customer service because the provider was rude or unresponsive. Here’s how you can strengthen customer relationships:
  • Determine your customer’s wants and needs
  • Be confident about your product
  • Be knowledgeable about the product and service you offer. Be familiar with the benefits, functions, or edge of the product or service you are trying to offer. If you know it by heart, it is easy to answer questions from your target customers.
  1. Suppliers – Maintain good relationships with suppliers. Most of the time, you have to depend on them. Learn the techniques on how to negotiate, who knows – they might give you a better discount the next time you order items in bulk.
  2. Network – Use the power of social media to create network relationships. Post a nice photo or greet them with a cheery tweet. Besides, these social media platforms are free so you can take advantage of it. Another thing is, a lot of people spend hours and hours online so there is a high possibility to capture a bigger market online.

In case you’ve tried the following but sill the communication lines are closed, why not invite them to have a cup of coffee or tea? Head to a coffee shop and treat them with hot beverages. You need to exert a little of your time and effort. Building good long term relationships will benefit your business.

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